  • Mrs. Berendzen's Daily Schedule

    7:15-7:45- Arrival/Breakfast/Wake up Work


    7:45-8:00- Announcements/Morning Meeting


    8:00-8:55- Math Fluency/DMR/Launch


    8:55-9:45- AMP


    9:45-9:55- Restroom Break


    9:55-10:20- Math (explore/summarize)


    10:20-10:35- Recess


    10:35-12:25- Snack/Integrated Whole Group


    12:25-12:50- Lunch 


    12:55-1:10- Recess


    1:10-1:20- Restroom Break


    1:20-1:40- SS


    1:40-2:25- Science

    2:25- Pack up/Dismissal

    ***Please send a note or call the office by 1:45 if your student’s normal way of going home is changed.  573-659-3180
Last Modified on August 16, 2023