We are a District of Champions. Build a Champion. Be a Champion.
Hello Westies! I cannot wait for all of the fun learning we will share together this year in music. I will post updates and schedules for programs, and all things music related, here.
Elizabeth (Libby) Cueni-Smith
West Music Teacher
659-3195 ext: 691-6406
Daily Schedule
7:15-7:45- morning duty/ plan
8:00-8:50- 5th grade music
8:55-9:45- 4th grade music
9:50-10:40- 3rd grade music
10:45- 11:35- 2nd grade music
11:35- 11:55- Lunch Duty
11:55- 12:45- Lunch/ Plan
12:45- 1:35- 1st grade music
1:40- 2:30- Kindergarten Music