Welcome to Mrs. Crane's First Grade Class

Cedar Hill Elementary
  • Welcome to the FIRST GRADE! First-graders will strive to master all the foundational skills learned in kindergarten, with a much stronger focus on reading, writing and math. 

  • Gretchen Crane

    First Grade Teacher



    Plan time: 1:25-2:20 Daily


    7:45-8:05 Class Meetings

    8:05-8:30 Literacy Focus

    8:30-9:30 CKLA Skills

    9:30-9:50 Social Studies

    9:50-10:10 Recess

    10:10-11:05 CKLA Knowledge

    11:05-11:30 Lunch

    11:30-11:45 Recess

    11:45-12:45 Math

    12:45-1:00 Fluency

    1:00-1:25 Science

    1:25-2:20 Specials-Art, Music, P.E.

    2:30 Begin Dismissal Process

Last Modified on July 23, 2024