

    Leigh Anne Lehmen 

    Professional School Counselor
    (573) 632-3400 


    Pioneer Trail's
    Professional Therapy Dog
  • The school counseling program is an integral part of the Jefferson City School District's educational program. It is developmental by design and includes sequential activities organized and implemented by certified professional school counselors with the support of teachers, administrators, students, and parents.


    Goals of the Elementary School Counselor 

    *To help children understand themselves and others.
    *To prevent problems from developing.
    *To provide crisis intervention when necessary.
    *To help develop personalized programs based on each child's strengths, weaknesses, and needs.
    *To provide career education activities.


    Services Provided By an Elementary School Counselor

    • *Consulting with teachers, parents, administrators and others
    • * Supporting the whole child socially and emotionally
    • * School-wide classroom counseling lessons
    • *Small group lessons and individual triage/lessons
    • * Helping parents understand how to help their children
    • * Referring students to outside agencies when appropriate
    • * Consulting with other school professionals and outside agencies for best practices







Last Modified on August 29, 2024