We are a District of Champions. Build a Champion. Be a Champion.

News & Updates


    At Thorpe Gordon School, we will provide a safe, respectful and responsible environment. We will participate in ongoing collaboration, which includes dialogue about assessments and instructional/behavioral practices to ensure academic growth for all students.

    December 5th - Picture Retake Day
    Inter-State Studio Picture Retake Order Link 
    Click this link to order
    Code 86863QF
    All orders must be placed online.

    December 18 - Character Assembly 8:00 am
    December 19 - K, 1st, and 2nd Grade Winter Parties
    December 19 - Grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade S&T Field Trip
    December 20 - 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Winter Parties
    December 20th - End of 2nd Quarter
    December 20th - 3-hour early release

    TGSA apparel







    PeachJar - Gordon

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