• It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to wear TENNIS SHOES to PE class.  Tennis shoes are the SAFEST shoes for physical activity.  Other shoes, such as flip-flops and boots, do not provide adequate ankle support and may increase the chances of an injury.  Please try to check your child's specials schedule (grade level teachers include the rotation in their newsletters) and, if possible, have them wear tennis shoes on PE days!  There is a class incentive to encourage students to wear the appropriate shoes.  If EVERY student in the class wears appropriate tennis shoes, they will receive a class sticker.  After TEN class stickers, the class will earn a FREE DAY!! :) 
    Beginning Tuesday, September 3, your child has the opportunity to participate in morning walking.  I will pick students up from their classrooms at 7:25 and we will all go outside to walk until 7:45.  Kindergarten and first grade will walk on Mondays.  Second grade will walk on Tuesdays.  Third grade will walk on Wednesdays.  Fourth grade will walk on Thursdays.  Fifth grade will walk on Fridays.  
Last Modified on August 15, 2024