• Vocal Music:
    Vocal Music is designed to educate students in all aspects of the vocal arts, including ensemble singing, solo singing, and music fundamentals (sight reading and theory). The goal of the vocal music curriculum is to expose students to high quality literature and offer a variety of performance opportunities. Vocal music is also designed to develop a student's appreciation of the Fine Arts and a develop a strong sense of community and cooperative learning.
    Student assessments are based on classroom rehearsal, classroom assignments, and performances. 
    Choir performances are mandatory. If students are unable to attend a performance, the teacher should be notified as soon as possible. Students will be able to turn in a written assignment in place of the performance.
    Some Choir concepts and learning targets include:
    Critique musical performances and compositions.
    • Students will learn to give appropriate suggestion for improvement.
    • Students will demonstrate the ability to distinguish between quality and non-quality performances.
    • Students will evaluate their own performance using an "Affective Concert Reflection." 
    Develop and apply singing skills to perform various repertoire.
    • Students will apply stylistic elements needed to perform different genres (ex: patriotic, folk, spiritual, pop, classical, world music, seasonal etc.)
    • Students will perform music from various cultures and historical musical pieces.  
     Develop various singing skills (Independ singing, part singing, group, and sight singing).
    • Students will demonstrate singing techniques to match pitch in an appropriate range.
    • Students will demonstrate appropriate posture, breath support and diction.
    • Students will use correct vowel production techniques.
    • Students will demonstrate correct dynamics and rhythm accuracy.
    • Students will sight sing/read musical notation.
    Apply music skill using melodic and rhythmic notation, composition/arrangement, and imitation.
    • Students will identify standard notation.
    • Students will read and sing various time signatures
    • Students will have the opportunity to create and improvise simple songs, phrases, and rhythms.
    • Students will develop ear training skill through rhythmic and melodic echo patterns.
    • Students will identify accidentals (sharps, flats, and naturals). 
    6th grade General Music:
    6th grade General Music is a non-performance exploratory class. It is 9 weeks long.
    The General Music class allows students to explore cultural and historical elements of music. Students will be introduced to a variety of musical skills for performance, and critical listening. They will discover more about music with various genres, signs and symbols of music, rhythms, notation, instruments, sounds, and how it is used in careers around the world.
Last Modified on September 19, 2017