• Welcome to 5th Grade!

  • Amy Rackers
    8th Grade Reading
    Email is the quickest way to get in touch:  amy.rackers@jcschools.us

    The school phone number is 573-659-3200.  I'll get in touch as soon as I can.

  •  Mrs. Rackers' Classroom Schedule 2021-2022
    7:20-7:45 Independent Reading/Breakfast
    7:45-8:10 Morning Meeting
    8:10-9:00 Reading
    9:00-9:45 AMPS (Art, Music, PE, Social Emotional)
    9:45-10:30 Reading
    10:30-11:05 Writing
    11:05-11:25 Recess
    11:25-12:35 Math
    12:35-1:00 Lunch
    1:00-1:25 Read Aloud
    1:25-1:50 Math
    1:50-2:10 Recess
    2:10-2:40 Science or Social Studies (alternating units)
    2:40 Dismissal
Last Modified on July 31, 2022