- Capital City High School
- Schedule Change Procedure
A student's schedule may be changed for the following reasons only:
1. Computer Error
2. Prerequisite courses not met
3. Duplicate credit
4. Education team recommendation that the student is misplaced
*All semester 1 changes should be made before the semester begins.
*Semester 2 schedule changes will be made before the semester begins.
*Schedule changes can be made for other reasons at the discretion of the building administrator.
Requests for class changes will NOT be considered for the following reasons:
1. Change of student interest
2. Negative effect of course grade on GPA
3. Unnecessary for graduation
Schedule changes must be made before the semester begins. Schedule changes in the middle of a semester will result in a withdrawal-fail for the portion of the credit they elected not to complete and will be recorded on the student's transcript. Beginning on the first school day in December, students may request changes in Term 3 and Term 4 schedules. All changes must be made prior to the beginning of the semester.
In the event that a schedule change may be considered, the student's academic effort will be reviewed using the following (but not limited to) criteria: Has the student spoken with the teacher, collaborated on a plan to be successful, and followed the plan? Has the student made an effort to complete all assignments, projects, and tests for the course? Has the student taken advantage of any/all retesting options available to him/her? Has the student attended tutoring? Has the student's academic efforts been commensurate with the level of difficulty the student is encountering?