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Hello! My name is Ms. Kayla Turner and I teach World History and U.S. Government. I'm super excited to get to know my students and share my passion for social studies with them. If you have any questions, please reach out to me!
Kayla Turner
Social Studies Teacher
Plan Period 11:28-12:52
Hour 1 - U.S. Government (8:40-9:31)
Hour 2 - World History (9:36-10:27)
Hour 3 - RTI/DT (10:32-11:23)
Hour 4 - Plan (11:28-12:29)
Hour 5 - World History (12:57-1:48)
Hour 6 - U.S. Government (1:53-2:44)
Hour 7 - World History (2:49-3:40)