• This is a two-year program that introduces students to the graphic design and advertising industry. Students study industry-leading Adobe Creative Cloud software through a series of in-class modules and design activities. They learn about design thinking, typography, page layout, composition, color theory, branding, digital illustration, digital workflow, professional workplace skills, and printing methods. Second-year students strengthen their skills through more in-depth problem-solving and real-world, client-based design projects. In the final semester of the program, second-year students participate in an industry internship and/or the AP 2-D Design Portfolio/Senior Capstone Portfolio. The AP (Advanced Placement) 2-D Design Portfolio is a program administered by the College Board to provide highly motivated students with an opportunity to earn college credit with a 2-D art and design focus.

    Prerequisites: Show proficiency in Introduction to Art OR Digital Photography OR Desktop Publishing.

    Recommended: Strong communication skills (verbal and written) as evidenced by proficient writing skills in all high school English classes. Any experience creating two-dimensional art and design work, in or out of the classroom, will be helpful.

    Program Benefits:

    • Earn Industry Recognized Credentials — Adobe Certified Professional in Graphic Design & Illustration (Illustrator), Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design (Photoshop), Adobe Certified Professional in Print & Digital Media Publication (InDesign) 
    • Earn Dual Credit through Missouri State University — Art 100 (2-D Design / 3 credit hours) and Art 110 (Introduction to New Media / 3 credit hours)
      or Ozarks Technical Community College — GDT 105 (Graphic Design I / 4 credit hours) and GDT 115 (Typography / 4 credit hours)
    • Create an AP 2-D Design Portfolio
    • Work in an industry-related internship
    • Design real-world projects for clients in our community

    Career Pathways:

    • Graphic Design
    • Art Direction / Creative Direction
    • Advertising and Promotions
    • Animation Design
    • Brand Design and Strategy
    • Environmental Design

    The average yearly pay* for a Graphic Designer is $64,700.

    *According to 2023 data by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

  • Course Schedule:
    Morning Session
    7:55 a.m. to 10:55 a.m.
    Afternoon Session
    11:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.