• ¡Bienvenidos!

    Name: Jake Wise
    Teacher for English Language Learners
    Lewis and Clark Middle School & Jefferson City High School

    Lewis & Clark Middle Schoool (1st-4th Hour)
    Room 616, English Language Skills (Yellow Days)
    Classroom services (Red Days)

    Jefferson City High School (6th-7th Hour)
    Room 213, ESOL I & ESOL II

    You may email me any time here: jacob.wise@jcschools.us
    Please email me to plan a phone call using interpreter services. 

    • My name is Jacob, but I use Jake. 
    • Being an ELL teacher is my dream job!
    • My undergraduate degree is from Lincoln University.
    • My teaching degree is from Missouri State Univeristy.
    • This is my 7th year teaching.
    • I enjoy learning more Spanish and getting to practice with students and parents.
    • My primary job is to make sure students have the English skills they need to succeed in school and at their jobs.
    • I live in Jefferson City with my wife, Carlie. We like to laugh, play music, and act.
    • My favorite things in the world are my nieces and nephew, my cats, and Taylor Swift!