• Name Changes for Diplomas

    Name Changes for Diplomas

    We will be ordering diplomas for our graduating class soon. Diplomas are ordered using the legal name of students as shown in Infinite Campus.

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    JCPS Board Policy IKFA Students who wish to graduate early must have successfully completed a minimum of six semester at the secondary level and will be required to meet with a guidance counselor and submit written notification to the principal. The counselor will notify the student’s parents or guardians of the student’s decision if the student is a dependent. The student will receive a diploma if the student has met the Jefferson City School District’s graduation requirements. Any exception to the minimum six-semester completion requirement of early graduation must be granted by the Board of Education. The student who chooses early graduation will be allowed to participate in the spring graduation ceremonies, but will be considered an alumni for all other activities. Students who fail to complete their plan for early graduation and must return the following semester will be required to participate in a full academic schedule as outlined in board policy and campus procedures; the principal or designee must approve any exception. In the event of discrepancy between an administrative procedure and a Board policy, the Board policy will take precedence.

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