JC Healthy Schools
Page Navigation
- About JC Healthy Schools
Building Champions
- Belair Building Champion
- Callaway Hills Building Champion
- Cedar Hill Building Champion
- East Building Champion
- Lawson Building Champion
- Moreau Heights Building Champion
- North Building Champion
- Pioneer Trail Building Champion
- South Building Champion
- Thorpe Gordon Building Champion
- West Building Champion
- Healthy Celebrations in the Classroom
- Indoor Recess Activities
- Newsletters
- What Makes Us Special
- Jefferson City School District
- What Makes Us Special
- Halloween Candy Give Back
Halloween Candy Give back is an opportunity for students to donate leftover candy (or maybe their not so favorite candies) that would otherwise sit around the house, be mindlessly eaten or go into the trash. Schools, classrooms and kids tend to have fun with this friendly competition as well. They are rewarded with more physical activity! Win-Win!
JC Healthy Schools has partnered with the Missouri National Guard Family Program. The candy will be distributed to National Guard Units all over Missouri - at these armories we have family centers that will also take candy to the VFW posts and Veterans homes (assisted living for veterans). Candy will also go to the Columbia VA and other nonprofits DAV service organizations. Contact your building champion for your school's specific details.
See this SPECIAL REPORT video!!!