• Please find enrollment information for the 2024-2025 school year. 

    1. Enrollment card 

    2. Enrollment Supplement sheet with course names and course numbers. Pay close attention to pre-req’s

    3. The Academic Planning Guide To view course descriptions and graduation requirements, please go to http://www.jcschools.us/domain/3321. Select enrollment folder.

    4. Transcript Please access through your student portal for reviewing for course selections and ensuring meeting graduation requirements


    Please complete the following:

    1. First, look over your transcript (this is available to you through your student portal account) and the credit summary. Please select courses totaling 7.0 credits/7.5 Marching Band/8.0 Athletic Advanced Strength Training ZH plus 2.0 credits alternates. Start with courses that you still need for your graduation requirements. Choose electives that will help you meet your college and career goals. Do not take repeat electives…such as Foods I. 

    2. Review college prep diploma and departmental seal of excellence requirements. (Information located in 2025-2026 Academic Planning guide that is located in your graduation google classroom or on the JCHS counseling website. Please plan your courses to achieve any goals you have set for yourself.

    3. Next, complete the Enrollment Card in PENCIL, following the directions on the enrollment card CAREFULLY. Be sure to write the COURSE NAME exactly as it is written on the supplement sheet where indicated on the enrollment cards. Remember to make sure the credits total 7.0/7.5 Marching Band/ZH Athletic Advanced Strength Training.

    4. January 23-February 6 students should have their enrollment cards completed and will be visiting with their counselors to finalize course selections, please visit with core teachers on class selections. Enrollment cards should be with you at all times. If you lose your enrollment card, please see the counseling office for an additional card. 

    5. Share with your parents/guardians prior to bringing back completed to school on 1/23/25


    FYI’s for the upcoming school year:

    1. Graduation requirement of 25 credits to graduate

    2. Seniors are allowed to have part time schedules with two periods off per semester…must be on track for graduation.  See Activities and Athletics for MSHSAA requirements of attendance.  If you are involved in a MSHSAA related activity or sport, you may only have one period off per semester.  MUST sign a form of understanding before you are allowed to go part time.  See your counselor for this form.

    3. Early Graduation:  In order to be eligible for early graduation as a senior, you MUST request early graduation prior to the start of the 2025-2026 school year.