• Welcome Center logo 
    Welcome Center Hours:
    Monday-Thursday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
                                                                              Friday: 7:30 AM-4:00 PM
  • Please read before starting the application!

    Step 1: Click the button below to fill out the online application. (Be sure you are clicking the correct school year!) Once the application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email from sis.campus@jcschools.us. Check your spam folder if it did not go to your inbox.

    Step 2: Once we have processed your application, you will receive an email with further instructions on completing your student's enrollment. If an appointment is required, a link to the schedule will be in the email.

    Step 3: Required documents: Can be uploaded to the online application, emailed to welcomecenter@jcschools.us, faxed to 573-659-3028, or dropped off at the Welcome Center at 315 E Dunklin St.

    • 1 proof of residency--Please click here to view acceptable proof of residency (can be electronic bills)
    • Parent/Guardian ID-Drivers license or Passport
    • Birth Certificate
    • Immunization Record
    • Any legal documents pertaining to the student (custody papers, guardianship documents, ex parte orders, ect)

    *** Online registration applications should be filled out by parents/legal guardians only. If you have a student living with you for whom you are not the parent/legal guardian, please contact our office at (573) 659-3043 before starting application.*** 

  • Parent Resources

    More details on our Campus Portal, Supply Lists, Food Service information and forms, Health Services, Technology Usage and Transportation.

    Student Resources 

    More details on our Campus Portal, Student Email, Edmodo, and Transportation.