• Early Childhood Graphic

    The Jefferson City School District is excited to announce that thanks to the community’s support of the 2023 Kids FIRST bond issue we will be opening a brand new school facility for the 2025-2026 school year!

    The Jefferson City Early Childhood Center will be located at 1840 E. McCarty St. and will replace the existing Southwest Early Childhood Center. JCECC will provide a pre-kindergarten curriculum and instruction for students prior to entering kindergarten (students must be four before August 1st to qualify). 

    JCECC will also continue to provide an Early Childhood Special Education program for children ages 3-5 who meet the state and federal guidelines for developmental delay or disability who reside in the Jefferson City School District attendance area. The Parents as Teachers program will continue to be provided as well, for families from prenatal through pre-kindergarten.

    The Jefferson City School District is now accepting applications from families who are interested in enrolling their students in the new early childhood center for the 2025-2026 school year. 

    To be placed on the JCECC waiting list, parents must first complete an application HERE.

    We encourage you to do this as soon as possible, and no later than December 6th.

    After completing the application above, you will be contacted by a representative from the Parents as Teachers program to schedule a follow-up developmental screening for your child (learn more here). This screening must also be completed in order to secure a spot on the JCECC waiting list.

    The district’s current early childhood center serves approximately 150-200 students, and we anticipate the new facility will allow us to double our enrollment to 300 students. If we receive more applicants than spots available, we will conduct a selection process no later than April 1st, 2025.

    We know that students exposed to preschool have a greater chance of academic success. They are more likely to attend college and to be employed later in life. Increasing the district’s early childhood enrollment will be a great benefit to our community, and we are thrilled to offer this opportunity to more families.

    If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the staff at the current early childhood center via phone at 573-659-3026 or email at swecc@jcschools.us.

    Jefferson City Early Childhood Center Frequently Asked Questions

    Where will the facility be located?

    The Jefferson City Early Childhood Center will be located at 1840 E. McCarty St. 

    How old does my child need to be to attend JCECC?

    Students must be four years old prior to August 1st to qualify for the pre-kindergarten program.

    What are the hours?

    It is most likely that the school will follow the district’s elementary school schedule (7:45AM-2:45PM).

    Will transportation be provided?

    Families of pre-kindergarten students will need to provide their own transportation. Only students in the early childhood special education program who qualify for transportation will receive transportation from the district.

    Is there a calendar for when JCECC is closed for holidays?

    JCECC will follow the Jefferson City School District student calendar, which can be viewed HERE.

    What happens during inclement weather?

    JCECC will follow any inclement weather closures for the Jefferson City School District (parents will be notified via the district’s mass communication system).

    Does my family have to qualify for enrollment based on income or special education designation?

    Although JCECC will continue to offer enrollment to families who qualify based on income and special education designation, the expansion of the facility will also allow for more spots for general education students who do not qualify under either designation.

    What type of curriculum is provided?

    JCECC will provide comprehensive early childhood services including rigorous, engaging instruction for all. Classroom teachers are certified educators, and the high quality instruction provided is designed to prepare pre-kindergarten students to enter elementary school.

    Are meals included?

    JCECC will have a school cafeteria and pricing is the same as elementary breakfast and lunch (VIEW HERE). Families are encouraged to apply for the Free & Reduced Meal program if you believe you qualify (LEARN MORE HERE). 

    What is the cost to attend?

    There is no cost to attend.