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Below you will find a compilation of PDF files and websites that will provide resources for many of the areas Occupational Therapists address within the school setting. Whether you are a teacher or parent, you will find a great deal of information to assist you in helping our children reach their greatest potential!!! Feel free to contact one of the staff Occupational Therapists if you have additional questions.FINE MOTOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT:http://sites.google.com/site/darceyot/pencil-grasp (Development of typical grasp patterns)http://www.do2learn.com/academics/FineMotor/index.htm (printable activities for fine motor development)CROSSING MIDLINE/HAND DOMINANCE ACTIVITIES:http://www.ot-mom-learning-activities.com/activities-for-crossing-the-midline.html (see also other areas on this site for additional fine motor, gross motor, and sensory activities)BILATERAL COORDINATION ACTIVITIES:VISUAL PERCEPTION, VISUAL TRACKING, and other VISUAL SKILLS:http://www.visionandlearning.org/ (comprehensive information on vision development and activities for improving visual skills)http://www.eyecanlearn.com/ (eye exercises for improving perception, tracking, and other visual skills)http://www.pediatricot.blogspot.com/2010/06/activities-to-improve-visual-perception.html (visual perception strategies)SENSORY ACTIVITIES:* WHAT IS SENSORY INTEGRATION??Our bodies take in information from the environment to guide us through the day for safety and learning. Our nervous system integrates all of the information it receives from outside our body, as well as the inside of our body. The coordination of this nervous system process is referred to as sensory integration.TECHNOLOGY:*Remember to look at built-in accessibility on your chromebook and iPad!(ex. Dictation, Speak Selection with highlighting of words, Word prediction, Zoom, etc.)http://www.freetypinggame.net/ (typing website)http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/ (Dance mat Typing - FUN typing game!)PAPER SAMPLES:http://www.do2learn.com/activities/writingtools/index.htm (variety of adapted paper for improving handwriting legibility)http://www.tlsbooks.com/handwritingworksheets.htm (free printable worksheets for handwriting practice)QUICK REFERENCE FOR ART CLASS:MISCELLANEOUS OT STRATEGIES:http://www.therapystreetforkids.com/index.html (comprehensive website including fine motor, visual motor, visual perceptual, and sensory skill development)http://www.handwritinggym.com (website with comprehensive strategies on drawing and handwriting)